3Cubble: An R Package for Organizing and Wrangling Multivariate Spatio-temporal Data
Multivariate spatio-temporal data refers to multiple measurements taken across space and time. For many analyses, spatial and time components can be separately studied: for example, to explore the temporal trend of one variable for a single spatial location, or to model the spatial distribution of one variable at a given time. However for some studies, it is important to analyze different aspects of the spatio-temporal data simultaneously, for instance, temporal trends of multiple variables across locations. In order to facilitate the study of different portions or combinations of spatio-temporal data, we introduce a new class, cubble, with a suite of functions enabling easy slicing and dicing on different spatio-temporal components. The proposed cubble class ensures that all the components of the data are easy to access and manipulate while providing flexibility for data analysis. In addition, the cubble package facilitates visual and numerical explorations of the data while easing data wrangling and modelling. The cubble class and the tools implemented in the package are illustrated with examples from climate data analysis.
3.1 Introduction
Spatio-temporal data (Bivand et al. 2008; Lovelace, Nowosad, and Muenchow 2019; Pebesma and Bivand 2019) has a spatial component referring to the location of each observation and a temporal component that is recorded at regular or irregular time intervals. It may also include multiple variables measured at each spatial and temporal values. With spatio-temporal data, one can fix the time to explore the spatial features of the data, fix the spatial location/s to explore temporal aspects, or dynamically explore the space and time simultaneously. In order to computationally explore the spatial, temporal and spatio-temporal and multiple variable aspects of such data, it needs to be stored in a data object that allows the user to query, group and dissect all the different data faces.
The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) task view SpatioTemporal (Pebesma and Bivand 2022) gathers information about R packages designed for spatio-temporal data and it has a section on Representing data that lists existing spatio-temporal data representations used in R. Among them, the spacetime package (Pebesma 2012) implements four S4 classes to handle spatio-temporal data with different spatio-temporal layouts (full grid, sparse grid, irregular, and trajectory). The stars package (Pebesma 2021) implements an S3 class built from dense arrays.
However, the data representation implemented in those packages might present certain challenges when applying the principles of tidy data (Wickham 2014) for data analysis. The concept of tidy data is based on three principles regarding how data should be organized in tables to facilitate easier analysis: 1) one observation a row, 2) one variable a column, and 3) one type of observation a table. The third principle of tidy data is particularly relevant for spatio-temporal data since these data are naturally observed at different units: the spatial locations and the temporal units. While the tidyverse suite of R packages implements data wrangling and visualization tools primarily focused on working with single tables, there are not many tools available for handling relational data specifically for spatio-temporal data. This motivates a new design to organise spatio-temporal data in a way that would make data wrangling, visualizing and analyzing easier.
This paper presents the R package, cubble, which implements a new cubble class to organize spatial and temporal variables as two forms of a single data object so that they can be wrangled separately or combined, while being kept synchronized. Among the four spacetime layouts in Pebesma (2012), the cubble class can handle the full grid layout and the sparse grid layout. The software is available from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) at https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=cubble.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 3.2 presents the main design and functionality of the cubble package. Section 3.3 explains how the cubble package deals with more advanced considerations, including data matching and how the package fits with existing static and interactive visualization tools. Moreover we also illustrate how the cubble package deals with spatio-temporal data transformations. Section 3.4 uses primarily Australian weather station data as examples to demonstrate the use of the package. An example of how the cubble package handles Network Common Data Form (NetCDF) data is also provided. Section 3.5 discuss the paper contributions and future directions.
3.2 The cubble package
The cubble class includes two subclasses: the spatial cubble and the temporal cubble, which can be pivoted back and forth to focus on the two aspects of the spatio-temporal data, as illustrated in Figure 3.1. This section provides an overview of the cubble package, including the cubble class and its attributes, class creation and coercion, a summary of implemented functionality, the compatibility with other spatial and temporal packages (sf and tsibble), and a comparison with other spatio-temporal packages (stars and sftime).
The cubble class
The cubble class is an S3 class built on tibble that allows the spatio-temporal data to be wrangled in two forms (subclasses):
a spatial cubble with class c("spatial_cubble_df", "cubble_df")
a temporal cubble with class c("temporal_cubble_df", "cubble_df")
In a spatial cubble object, spatial variables are organised as columns and temporal variables are nested within a specialised ts column. For example, the spatial cubble object, cb_spatial printed below, contains weather records of three airport stations from the Global Historical Climatology Network Daily (GHCND) database (Menne et al. 2012). In this case, the spatial cubble is convenient for wrangling the spatial variables:
# cubble: key: id [3], index: date, nested form
# spatial: [144.8321, -37.98, 145.0964, -37.6655], Missing CRS!
# temporal: date [date], prcp [dbl], tmax [dbl], tmin [dbl]
id long lat elev name wmo_id ts
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <list>
1 ASN00086038 145. -37.7 78.4 essendon airport 95866 <tibble>
2 ASN00086077 145. -38.0 12.1 moorabbin airport 94870 <tibble>
3 ASN00086282 145. -37.7 113. melbourne airport 94866 <tibble>
In a temporal cubble, temporal variables are expanded in the long form and spatial variables are stored as a data attribute. The temporal cubble object, cb_temporal, contains the same spatio-temporal data as the spatial cubble object, cb_spatial, but in a structure that is easier for temporal analysis:
# cubble: key: id [3], index: date, long form
# temporal: 2020-01-01 -- 2020-01-10 [1D], no gaps
# spatial: long [dbl], lat [dbl], elev [dbl], name [chr], wmo_id
# [dbl]
id date prcp tmax tmin
<chr> <date> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 ASN00086038 2020-01-01 0 26.8 11
2 ASN00086038 2020-01-02 0 26.3 12.2
3 ASN00086038 2020-01-03 0 34.5 12.7
4 ASN00086038 2020-01-04 0 29.3 18.8
5 ASN00086038 2020-01-05 18 16.1 12.5
# ℹ 25 more rows
The cubble attributes
Both cubble objects inherit tibble’s attributes (which originates from data frames): class, row.names, and names. Additionally, both have three specialised attributes: key, index, and coords, where key and index are used as introduced in the tsibble package (Wang, Cook, and Hyndman 2020). In cubble, the key attribute identifies the row in the spatial cubble (given the internal use of tidyr::nest() for nesting), and when combined with the index argument, it identifies the row in the temporal cubble. Currently, cubble only supports one variable as the key. The accepted temporal classes for index includes the base R classes Date, POSIXlt, POSIXct, as well as tsibble’s yearmonth, yearweek, and yearquarter classes. The coords attribute represents an ordered pair of coordinates that can be either an unprojected pair of longitude and latitude, or a projected easting and northing value. Moreover, temporal cubbles have a special attribute called spatial to store the spatial variables. Shortcut functions are available to extract attributes from the temporal cubble object, for example, spatial() for extracting spatial variables:
# A tibble: 3 × 6
id long lat elev name wmo_id
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
1 ASN00086038 145. -37.7 78.4 essendon airport 95866
2 ASN00086077 145. -38.0 12.1 moorabbin airport 94870
3 ASN00086282 145. -37.7 113. melbourne airport 94866
Creation and coercion
The spatial and temporal aspect of spatio-temporal data are often stored separately in the database. For climate data, analysts may initially receive station metadata and then query the time series based on the metadata. A (spatial) cubble object can be constructed from separate spatial and temporal tables using the function make_cubble(). The three attributes key, index, and coords need to be specified. The following code creates a spatial cubble from its spatial component, stations and temporal component meteo:
# cubble: key: id [3], index: date, nested form
# spatial: [144.8321, -37.98, 145.0964, -37.6655], Missing CRS!
# temporal: date [date], prcp [dbl], tmax [dbl], tmin [dbl]
id long lat elev name wmo_id ts
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <list>
1 ASN00086038 145. -37.7 78.4 essendon airport 95866 <tibble>
2 ASN00086077 145. -38.0 12.1 moorabbin airport 94870 <tibble>
3 ASN00086282 145. -37.7 113. melbourne airport 94866 <tibble>
Other R spatio-temporal objects can be coerced into a cubble object with the function as_cubble(). This includes a joined tibble or data.frame object, a NetCDF object, a stars object (Pebesma 2021), and a sftime object (Teickner, Pebesma, and Graeler 2022). In the example below, the spatial cubble object is created from climate_flat, which combines the previousstations and meteo into a single tibble object:
climate_flat|>as_cubble(key =id, index =date, coords =c(long, lat))
# cubble: key: id [3], index: date, nested form
# spatial: [144.8321, -37.98, 145.0964, -37.6655], Missing CRS!
# temporal: date [date], prcp [dbl], tmax [dbl], tmin [dbl]
id long lat elev name wmo_id ts
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <list>
1 ASN00086038 145. -37.7 78.4 essendon airport 95866 <tibble>
2 ASN00086077 145. -38.0 12.1 moorabbin airport 94870 <tibble>
3 ASN00086282 145. -37.7 113. melbourne airport 94866 <tibble>
Functions and methods
The cubble package has several functions implemented for data wrangling and to facilitate data analysis as summarized in Table . In addition, for each of the three cubble classes there are number of methods implemented that facilitates the handling of the data as shown in Table . In particular, the cubble_df class handles methods that behave consistently in both spatial and temporal cubble. When the method works differently internally on the spatial and temporal cubble, it is implemented separately in spatial_cubble_df and temporal_cubble_df.
The pair of cubble verbs, face_temporal() and face_spatial(), pivots the cubble object between its two forms or faces, as illustrated in Figure 3.1. The code applies face_temporal() on the spatial cubble, cb_spatial, introduced in Section 3.2.1 to get a temporal cubble:
# cubble: key: id [3], index: date, long form
# temporal: 2020-01-01 -- 2020-01-10 [1D], no gaps
# spatial: long [dbl], lat [dbl], elev [dbl], name [chr], wmo_id
# [dbl]
id date prcp tmax tmin
<chr> <date> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 ASN00086038 2020-01-01 0 26.8 11
2 ASN00086038 2020-01-02 0 26.3 12.2
3 ASN00086038 2020-01-03 0 34.5 12.7
4 ASN00086038 2020-01-04 0 29.3 18.8
5 ASN00086038 2020-01-05 18 16.1 12.5
# ℹ 25 more rows
Both verbs are the exact inverse of each other and apply both functions on a cubble object will result in the object itself:
# cubble: key: id [3], index: date, nested form
# spatial: [144.8321, -37.98, 145.0964, -37.6655], Missing CRS!
# temporal: date [date], prcp [dbl], tmax [dbl], tmin [dbl]
id long lat elev name wmo_id ts
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <list>
1 ASN00086038 145. -37.7 78.4 essendon airport 95866 <tibble>
2 ASN00086077 145. -38.0 12.1 moorabbin airport 94870 <tibble>
3 ASN00086282 145. -37.7 113. melbourne airport 94866 <tibble>
To enable operations involve both spatial and temporal variables, the function unfold incorporates spatial variables into the temporal cubble. Below is an example to include the coordinate columns (long and lat) into cb_temporal to prepare the data for a glyph map transformation, which will be discussed in Section 3.3.3.
cb_temporal|>unfold(long, lat)
# cubble: key: id [3], index: date, long form
# temporal: 2020-01-01 -- 2020-01-10 [1D], no gaps
# spatial: long [dbl], lat [dbl], elev [dbl], name [chr], wmo_id
# [dbl]
id date prcp tmax tmin long lat
<chr> <date> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 ASN00086038 2020-01-01 0 26.8 11 145. -37.7
2 ASN00086038 2020-01-02 0 26.3 12.2 145. -37.7
3 ASN00086038 2020-01-03 0 34.5 12.7 145. -37.7
4 ASN00086038 2020-01-04 0 29.3 18.8 145. -37.7
5 ASN00086038 2020-01-05 18 16.1 12.5 145. -37.7
# ℹ 25 more rows
Compatibility with tsibble and sf
Analysts often have their preferred spatial or temporal data structure for spatial or temporal analysis, which they may wish to continue using for spatio-temporal analysis. With cubble, analysts can incorporate the tsibble class in a temporal cubble and the sf class in a spatial cubble.
Using a tsibble object as the temporal component
The key and index arguments in a cubble object corresponds to the tsibble counterparts and they can be safely omitted, if the temporal component is a tsibble object (tbl_ts). The tsibble class (tbl_ts) from the input will be carried over to the temporal cubble, indicated by the [tsibble] in the header and in the object class:
Methods applied to tsibble objects (tbl_ts) can also be applied to the temporal cubble objects, for example, checking whether the data contain temporal gaps:
# A tibble: 3 × 2
id .gaps
<chr> <lgl>
1 ASN00086038 FALSE
2 ASN00086077 FALSE
3 ASN00086282 FALSE
The temporal component of a created temporal cubble can include class tbl_ts to also be a tsibble object tsibble object using make_temporal_tsibble(). See the code example below using the cb_temporal object, created in Section 3.2.2:
# cubble: key: id [3], index: date, long form, [tsibble]
# temporal: 2020-01-01 -- 2020-01-10 [1D], no gaps
# spatial: long [dbl], lat [dbl], elev [dbl], name [chr], wmo_id
# [dbl]
id date prcp tmax tmin
<chr> <date> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 ASN00086038 2020-01-01 0 26.8 11
2 ASN00086038 2020-01-02 0 26.3 12.2
3 ASN00086038 2020-01-03 0 34.5 12.7
4 ASN00086038 2020-01-04 0 29.3 18.8
5 ASN00086038 2020-01-05 18 16.1 12.5
# ℹ 25 more rows
Using an sf object as the spatial component
Similarly, the spatial component of a cubble object can be an sf object and if the coords argument is omitted, it will be calculated from the sf geometry. The sf status is signalled by the [sf] label in the cubble header:
(sf_spatial<-make_cubble( spatial =stations_sf, temporal =meteo, key =id, index =date))
In R, there are other existing spatio-temporal data structures and this section compares and contrasts cubble with other existing alternatives, specifically stars and sftime. The stars package (Pebesma 2021) uses an array structure, as opposed to a tibble, to represent multivariate spatio-temporal data. While both stars and cubble support vector and raster data, it is a matter of choice on which structure to use given the application. Analysts working on satellite imageries may prefer the array structure in stars, while others originally working with spatio-temporal data in 2D data frames may find cubble easier to adopt from their existing computing workflow.
The sftime package (Teickner, Pebesma, and Graeler 2022) also builds from a tibble object and its focus is on handling irregular spatio-temporal data. This means sftime can also handle full space-time grids and sparse space-time layouts represented in cubble. However, cubble uses nesting to avoid storing spatial variables repetitively at each timestamp. This provides memory efficiency when data is observed frequently, i.e. daily or sub-daily, or the spatial geometry is computationally expensive to store repeatedly, i.e. polygons or multipolygons. Consider the climate_aus data in the cubble package with 639 stations observed daily throughout the year 2020. In that case, the sftime object is approximately 14 times larger than the corresponding cubble object (118 MB vs. 8.5 MB).
3.3 Other features and considerations
Spatial and temporal matching
A useful task in spatio-temporal data analysis is to combine related temporal series within a close geographic neighborhood. For example, we may want to examine data from weather stations with water flow records from nearby river sensors to understand how precipitation relates to river levels. This might be useful for predicting potential for droughts and floods.
Matching temporal data across different locations from different data sources could be done by initially identifying the corresponding spatial locations between the two data sets. Subsequently, a set of temporal features can be calculated for the series at the selected locations that can be used to matched the selected time series across locations. In cubble, locations from two datasets can be matched using the function match_spatial(). The function calculates the distance matrix of the locations between the two data sets and returns groups (spatial_n_group) with the smallest distances. For a given group, it is possible can include more locations with the argument spatial_n_each (default to 1 for one-on-one matching).
For the temporal matching a similarity score between the time series of spatially matched pairs is computed using the function match_temporal(). The similarity score is computed by a matching function which can be customized to any desired time series feature. The function match_temporal() takes as argument two time series in the form of a list and returns a single numerical value. By default, cubble uses a simple peak matching algorithm (match_peak) to count the number of peaks in two time series that fall within a specified time window.
The temporal matching requires two identifiers: one for separating each spatially matched group: match_id and one for separating the two data sources: data_id. Matching between different variables can be specified using the temporal_by argument, similar to the by syntax from dplyr’s *_join.
The cubble workflow neatly allows building an interactive graphics pipeline (e.g., Buja et al. (1988); Buja, Cook, and Swayne (1996); Sutherland et al. (2000); Xie, Hofmann, and Cheng (2014); X. Cheng, Cook, and Hofmann (2016)), simplifying the data pre-processing and preparing the ingredients for linked plots. Specifically, the spatial and temporal cubble correspond to the spatial and temporal visualisation, such as a map or a time series plot, that can be linked using functionality in the crosstalk(J. Cheng and Sievert 2021) package.
Figure 3.2 illustrates the linking mechanism between a map and multiple time series. When a user selects a location on the map as shown on panel (a), the corresponding site is highlighted. This selection activates a row in the spatial cubble, which is then connected to the temporal cubble, resulting in the selection of all observations with the same ID as depicted in panel (b). Consequently the temporal cubble highlights the corresponding series in the time series plot displayed in panel (c). The linking can also be initiated from the time series plot by selecting points on the time series graph. This action selects rows with the same ID in the temporal cubble and the corresponding row in the spatial cubble so that points can be highlight on the map.
Spatio-temporal transformations
Visualizing both space and time is important for exploring and understanding the data more completely, aiding in decision-making, and facilitating effective communication. Several approaches are common: facet maps across time, map animations, or interactive graphics that link maps and time series plots among others. Faceted maps and spatio-temporal animations focus on the spatial pattern making it difficult to assess temporal trends. One alternative display is a glyph map (Wickham et al. 2012), on which each spatial location is represented by one time series line, referred to as a glyph, that traces the variable measured over time.
It is achieved through a coordinate transformation. The transformation uses linear algebra to convert the temporal coordinates (minor coordinates) into the spatial coordinates (major coordinates) and is implemented in the package GGally(Schloerke et al. 2021). The cubble package provides a new ggproto implementation to create glyph maps, geom_glyph() requiring four aesthetics : x_major, y_major, x_minor, and y_minor:
Other useful controls to modify the glyph map that can be include are:
the implementation of a polar coordinate glyph maps with polar = TRUE,
the adjustment of the glyph size arguments using width and height,
a transformation relative to all the series (global_rescale defaults to TRUE) or each single series, and
the use of the reference boxes and lines with geom_glyph_box() and geom_glyph_line().
3.4 Applications
Five examples are chosen to illustrate different aspects of the cubble package: creating a cubble object from two Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) data tables with the challenge of having different location names, using spatial transformations to make a glyph map of seasonal temperature changes, matching river level data with weather station records to analyze water supply, reading NetCDF format data to replicate a climate reanalysis plot, and demonstrating the workflow to create interactively linked plots.
Victoria COVID spatio-temporal incidence and spread
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Victoria State Government in Australia has been providing daily COVID-19 case counts per local government area (LGA). This data can be combined with map polygon data, available from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), to visualize COVID-19 incidence and spread. The COVID-19 count data (covid) and the LGA information (lga) are available in the cubble package as a tsibble object and an sf object, respectively. As is common, the different agencies have some difference in text id’s labelling the spatial regions, so this example illustrates how this can be caught with cubble, and fixed. Discrepancies are flagged when creating the cubble object, notifying analysts of something that needs checking.
The by argument of the function make_cubble() is used to specify the spatial identifier in the two data sets:
cb<-make_cubble(lga, covid, by =c("lga_name_2018"="lga"))
Warning: st_centroid assumes attributes are constant over geometries
! Some sites in the spatial table don't have temporal information
! Some sites in the temporal table don't have spatial information
! Use `check_key()` to check on the unmatched key
The cubble is created only with sites having both spatial and
temporal information
The difference in LGA naming between both data sets triggers a warning, alerting the user to this discrepancy. The warning message suggests there are some differences between the LGA encoding used by Victoria government and ABS. The mismatches can be checked using check_key(), which takes the same inputs as make_cubble(), but returns a summary of key matches between the spatial and temporal input data:
(check_res<-check_key( spatial =lga, temporal =covid, by =c("lga_name_2018"="lga")))
The result of the check_key() function is a list containing three elements: 1) matched keys from both tables, 2) potentially paired keys, and 3) others keys that can’t be matched. Here, the main mismatch arises from the two LGAs: Kingston and Latrobe (Kingston is an LGA in both Victoria and South Australia and Latrobe is an LGA in both Victoria and Tasmania). Analysts can then reconcile the spatial and temporal data based on this summary and recreate the cubble object:
The Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN) provides daily climate measures for stations worldwide. In the cubble package, the cubble object historical_tmax contains daily maximum temperature data for 75 stations in Australia, covering two periods: 1971-1975 and 2016-2020. This example uses dplyr verbs to wrangle a cubble object, and pivot between the spatial and temporal form for different parts of the analysis. The result is glyph maps to compare the changes in temperature between these two periods, created with ggplot2.
To prevent overlapping of weather stations on the map, stations are selected to ensure a minimum distance of 50km. Distance between stations can be calculated with sf::st_distance() after turning the spatial cubble to also be an sf object with make_spatial_sf():
# cubble: key: id [54], index: date, nested form
# spatial: [141.2652, -39.1297, 153.3633, -28.9786], Missing CRS!
# temporal: date [date], tmax [dbl]
id long lat elev name wmo_id ts
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <list>
1 ASN00047016 141. -34.0 43 lake victoria storage 94692 <tibble>
2 ASN00047019 142. -32.4 61 menindee post office 94694 <tibble>
3 ASN00048015 147. -30.0 115 brewarrina hospital 95512 <tibble>
4 ASN00048027 146. -31.5 260 cobar mo 94711 <tibble>
5 ASN00048031 149. -29.5 145 collarenebri (albert … 95520 <tibble>
# ℹ 49 more rows
The daily maximum temperature is then averaged into monthly series for each period within the temporal cube. In the code above, the last step with unfold() moves the two coordinate columns (long, lat) into the temporal cubble, preparing the data for the construction of a glyph map:
# cubble: key: id [54], index: yearmonth, long form
# temporal: 1971 Jan -- 2016 Dec [1M], has gaps!
# spatial: long [dbl], lat [dbl], elev [dbl], name [chr], wmo_id
# [dbl]
yearmonth id tmax group month long lat
<mth> <chr> <dbl> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1971 Jan ASN00047016 31.1 1971 1 141. -34.0
2 1971 Jan ASN00047019 33.1 1971 1 142. -32.4
3 1971 Jan ASN00048015 33.9 1971 1 147. -30.0
4 1971 Jan ASN00048027 32.5 1971 1 146. -31.5
5 1971 Jan ASN00048031 33.3 1971 1 149. -29.5
# ℹ 1,276 more rows
The code below counts the number of observations for each location, revealing that there are several with less than 24 observations – these stations lack temperature values for some months. In this example, those stations are removed by switching to the spatial cubble to operate on the spatial component over time, and then, move back into the temporal cubble (to make the glyph map):
The following code creates the glyph map (a) in Figure 3.3 (additional codes are needed for highlighting the single station, Cobar and styling) and the glyph map (c) is produced similarly after further processing the data.
The Bureau of Meteorology collects water level data that can be matched with precipitation data from climate weather stations. The data river from the cubble package contains water course level data for 71 river gauges collected in Victoria, Australia. Victoria weather station data can be subsetted from the climate_aus data in the cubble package. This example demonstrates the use of the matching function introduced in Section 3.3.1 to find river gauges that mirror changes in precipitation regimes captured in the climate weather stations in Victoria.
The first step is to perform a spatial match on the site locations between both data sets. The rainfall recorded at a particular station can directly impact the water level in nearby rivers, which emphasizes the need to find related or matching locations. With match_spatial(), we can obtain a summary of the 10 closest pairs of weather stations and river gauges:
res_sp<-match_spatial(df1 =climate_vic, df2 =river, spatial_n_group =10)print(res_sp, n =20)
The results can also be returned as a list of matched cubbles, by setting the argument return_cubble = TRUE. After excluding the two pairs where a river station is matched to more than one weather stations (river station 226027 is matched twice in group 3 and 5 and similarly for station 230200 in group 7 and 8), all the results can be combined into a single cubble using bind_rows(),
# cubble: key: id [16], index: date, nested form, [sf]
# spatial: [144.5203, -38.144913, 148.4667, -36.128657], WGS 84
# temporal: date [date], prcp [dbl], tmax [dbl], tmin [dbl]
id long lat elev name wmo_id ts type
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <list> <chr>
1 ASN00088051 145. -37.0 290 redesdale 94859 <tibble> clim…
2 406213 145. -37.0 NA CAMPASPE RIVER … NA <tibble> river
3 ASN00084145 148. -37.7 62.7 orbost 95918 <tibble> clim…
4 222201 148. -37.7 NA SNOWY RIVER @ O… NA <tibble> river
5 ASN00085072 147. -38.1 4.6 east sale airpo… 94907 <tibble> clim…
# ℹ 11 more rows
# ℹ 3 more variables: geometry <POINT [°]>, group <int>, dist [m]
To match the water level and precipitation time series across the matched locations, the function match_temporal() is used with the variables group and type identifying the matching group and the two data sources:
# A tibble: 8 × 2
group match_res
<int> <dbl>
1 1 30
2 2 5
3 3 14
4 4 20
5 6 23
# ℹ 3 more rows
Similarly, the cubble output can be returned using the argument `return_cubble = TRUE}. Here, we select the four pairs of time series (precipitation/water level) with the highest number of matching peaks and show them on the map (Figure 3.4 a). The time series of river levels is standardized to make the comparison easier in panel (b).
# cubble: key: id [8], index: date, nested form, [sf]
# spatial: [144.5203, -37.8817, 147.572223, -36.8472], WGS 84
# temporal: date [date], matched [dbl]
id long lat elev name wmo_id type geometry
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <POINT [°]>
1 ASN0… 145. -37.0 290 rede… 94859 clim… (144.5203 -37.0194)
2 4062… 145. -37.0 NA CAMP… NA river (144.5403 -37.01512)
3 ASN0… 146. -36.8 502 stra… 95843 clim… (145.7308 -36.8472)
4 4052… 146. -36.9 NA SEVE… NA river (145.6828 -36.88701)
5 ASN0… 145. -37.7 78.4 esse… 95866 clim… (144.9066 -37.7276)
# ℹ 3 more rows
# ℹ 4 more variables: group <int>, dist [m], ts <list>,
# match_res <dbl>
ERA5: climate reanalysis data
The ERA5 reanalysis (Hersbach et al. 2020) provides hourly estimates of atmospheric, land and oceanic climate variables on a global scale and is available in the NetCDF format from Copernicus Climate Data Store (CDS). This example demonstrates a case of analysing raster spatio-temporal data using cubble, replicating Figure 19 from the Hersbach et al. (2020) paper. The plot shows the southern polar vortex splitting into two on 2002-09-26, and further splitting into four on 2002-10-04. Further explanation of why this is interesting can be found in the figure source, and also in Simmons et al. (2020) and Simmons et al. (2005).
A ncdf4 object (Pierce 2019) can be converted into a cubble using as_cubble() and the NetCDF data can be subsetted with arguments vars, long_range and lat_range. In this example, the variables q (specific humidity) and z (geopotential) are read in and the coordinates are subsetted to every degree in longitude and latitude:
# cubble: key: id [26640], index: time, nested form
# spatial: [-180, -88, 179, -15], Missing CRS!
# temporal: time [date], q [dbl], z [dbl]
id long lat ts
<int> <dbl> <dbl> <list>
1 1 -180 -15 <tibble [8 × 3]>
2 2 -179 -15 <tibble [8 × 3]>
3 3 -178 -15 <tibble [8 × 3]>
4 4 -177 -15 <tibble [8 × 3]>
5 5 -176 -15 <tibble [8 × 3]>
# ℹ 26,635 more rows
Once the NetCDF data is coerced into a cubble object, subsequent analysis can be conducted to filter on the date of interest, scale the variable specific humidity and create visualisation in ggplot to reproduce the ERA5 plot. A snippet of code to create Figure 3.5 is provided below with additional codes needed to style the plot.
res<-dt|>face_temporal()|>filter(lubridate::date(time)%in%as.Date(c("2002-09-22", "2002-09-26","2002-09-30", "2002-10-04")))|>unfold(long, lat)|>mutate(q =q*10^6)con<-rnaturalearth::ne_coastline("small", returnclass ="sf")box<-st_bbox(c(xmin =-180, ymin =-90, xmax =180, ymax =-15), crs =st_crs(con))country<-con|>st_geometry()|>st_crop(box)|>st_cast("MULTILINESTRING")res|>ggplot()+geom_point(aes(x =long, y =lat, color =q))+geom_contour(data =res, aes(x =long, y =lat, z =z), ...)+geom_sf(data =country, ...)+...
Australian temperature range
Interactive graphics can be especially useful for spatio-temporal data because they make it possible to look at the data in multiple ways on-the-fly. This last example describes the process of using cubble with the crosstalk package to build an interactive display connecting a map of Australia, with ribbon plots of temperature range observed at a group of stations in 2020. The purpose is to explore the variation of monthly temperature range over the country.
Firstly, we summarise the daily data in climate_aus into monthly averages and calculate the variance of the monthly averages differences between the minimum and maximum temperatures. This variance will be used to color the temperature band later.
The spatial and temporal cubble are then created into shared crosstalk objects, plotted as ggplots, and combined together using crosstalk::bscols():
sd_spatial<-clean|>SharedData$new(~id, group ="cubble")sd_temporal<-clean|>face_temporal()|>SharedData$new(~id, group ="cubble")p1<-sd_spatial|>ggplot()+...p2<-sd_temporal|>ggplot()+...crosstalk::bscols(plotly::ggplotly(p1), plotly::ggplotly(p2), ...)
Figure 3.6 shows three snapshots of the interactivity. Plot (a) shows the initial state of the interactive display: all locations are shown as dots on the map, coloured by the temperature range, and the right plot shows the ribbons representing maximum to minimum for all stations. In plot (b) the station shows a high variance on the initial map, the “Mount Elizabeth” station, is selected and this produces the ribbon on the right. In plot (c) the lowest temperature in August is selected on the left map and this corresponds to the “Thredbo” station in the mountain area in Victoria and New South Wales. This station is compared to a station in the Tasmania island, the southernmost island of the country, selected on the map.
3.5 Conclusion
This paper presents the R package cubble for organizing, wrangling and visualizing spatio-temporal data. The package introduces a new data structure, cubble, consisting of two subclasses, spatial cubble and a temporal cubble, to organise spatio-temporal data in two different formats within the tidy data framework. The data structure and functions introduced in the package can be used and combined with existing tools for data wrangling, spatial and temporal data analysis, and visualization.
The paper includes several examples to illustrate how cubble is useful for spatio-temporal analysis. These examples cover different tasks of a typical data analysis workflow: handling data with spatial and temporal misalignment, matching data from multiple sources, and creating both static and interactive graphics. In addition, a re-working of an existing climate reanalysis using cubble is explained.
Possible future directions would be in two main directions: handling much larger data sets, and integrating smoothly with modeling. Spatio-temporal data can be huge, and the current recommendation is to first reduce the spatial and temporal components before constructing a cubble. Better support could be provided with additional pre-processing functions. Considerable effort has been exerted to provide tidy tools for models, with the tidymodels project. It provides a much better interface to the vast array of statistical and machine learning model architecture. A similar direction would be to extend cubble to provide a more unified interface to spatio-temporal modeling.
3.6 Acknowledgement
This work is funded by a Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Data61 Scholarship and started while Nicolas Langrené was affiliated with CSIRO’s Data61. The article is created using the package knitr(Xie 2015) and rmarkdown(Xie, Allaire, and Grolemund 2018) in R with the rticles::jss_article template. The source code for reproducing this paper can be found at: https://github.com/huizezhang-sherry/paper-cubble.
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